Thursday, March 19, 2009

barry reminds everyone that it's the last day to vote.

yes, today is your last day to vote for our recession-themed drink: the pink slip. will it be pink slip #1 with it's bitter campari and caribbean flair? how about posh #2 with it's haughty display of the last vestiges of wealth? or maybe #3 with it's easy-to-remember recipe so you can order it again and again at the bar? you tell me! go take the pink slip poll on the right and help decide what our recession drink should be.

click here to find the three recipes again, mull it over, AND THEN GO VOTE!

come back next week to find out the poll results, as well as some reviews on all three pink slips; we'll see if the right decision was made.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Barry,

    thanks for adding me to your blogroll! I have added you to mine as well.

